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Collect Some Collectors Items

Day 7 of 60 days of our Indiegogo campaign and we are going great guns. We've had some lovely donations from some lovely people and we've got our Executive Producer on board, Mr Ray Cooney, a comedy icon, no less!

We still have a way to go to our target...but we still have 53 days to go! And every donation nudges us towards our goal.

Indiegogo Perks for £20 Donation

It's not a one way street either, if you put in, you get out. We've worked hard on designing some sweet perks to thank you for your donation to help us make these films.

We've nattily called our £20 donation marker the 'Collect Some Collector's Items' package. Not only will you get the social media love (we'll say thanks and follow you on all of our platforms and we all know, new followers=warm and fuzzy feels) but you will also 2 limited edition glossy stills from each film, you can increase the value even further and elect to have the featured cast member sign the prints for you. Eminently collectable and would look rather fabulous framed too!

All items at the £20 mark will be with you by the end of August 2017. Get yours now by supporting our campaign by donating £20 today!


We are running a crowdfunding campaign to fund 2 original British Films featuring over 20 artists. Help us pay the cast and get the films out to festivals by supporting out crowdfunder on Indiegogo now!


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