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3 Ways to Help Make a Film

This summer we at The Curious Room in collaboration with Invisible Darkness are going to make TWO short films with over TWENTY artists and we need your help to do it!

Tonight- at midnight- we are launching our Indiegogo campaign to make Lawnmower and Not Waving. We've got loads of great perks lined up for every donation £5 upwards...

So what can you do to help us?

Then visit the Indiegogo campaign to see what you get if you give.

Visit our Indiegogo campaign and pledge money towards our target. Your pledge will go directly to making the films; to expenses for travel, insurance, location costs and food for the companies, to wages for the cast and creatives involved in each short film. Best thing about it? We've come up with some brilliant packages for those of you who do donate, so you get STUFF that is actually worth something when you donate, as well as supporting a whole bunch of emerging artists.

Please share this link ttps:// or this Blog (there are links to share it below) on every platform you can...have a Twitter? Please share! Have a facebook page, group, event? Please share! Have email? or Whatsapp or a Google+? Please share? You get it...share please!

Social media. Gift or Curse? Probably a bit of both. But when it comes to getting your work taken seriously those 'follower' numbers really help. It's just a few clicks.

Please 'like' The Curious Room on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram

Please follow Not Waving Short film on Twitter & Facebook

Please follow Lawnmower Short Film on Twitter & Facebook

Thank you for please go and tell all your friends!!

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